GeoINova is a review of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, publishes on-line and accepts texts in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.
Texts must be original and are subject to a peer-review.
Name of the Author(s), New Times Roman, size 11, bold (José SILVA), Institution and e-mail address, Times New Roman, size 8, normal.
The font for titles is New Times Roman, size 12, bold, centered.
The articles must have between 5000 and 10000 words. An abstract should be included in the language of the article and also in Portuguese and English, when these are not the primary language of the text. The abstract must have between 200 and 250 words. The font is New Times Roman, size 10, italic, with no spacing between paragraphs and with simple spacing between lines.
Keywords should be included in the language of the article and also in Portuguese and English language, when these are not the primary language of the text.
Articles should have between 4 and 6 keywords, Times New Roman, size 10, normal, separated by comas.
Titles and Subtitle
The font for titles and subtitles is New Times Roman, size 12, bold.
Titles and subtitles aligned to left.
Paper dimension: 16/23 cm. Margins: 2; 2; 2; 2; heading and footing: 1,25.
The font for the body text is New Times Roman, size 10, single spacing between lines.
All images, tables, diagrams, drawings or other constituent elements of the article should be referred to in the text and accompanied by the respective label.
Tables should be closed on the top and bottom and open on the sides, with a thicker line separating the titles from the content of the table and in the bottom. The label comes on the top of the table (number and title) in bold, size 8. Sources of tables and figures: size 8, normal, left bottom corner.
Figures should have a label on top (number and title). They must be sent in a separate folder and be of good quality. Portrait position. Graphic scales.
The references must be in size 9, normal, at the end of the article. They must respect the following model:
BREUER, T. (2008), Iberische Halbinsel , WBG, Darmstadt.
Citations in the text in brackets: (Breuer, 2008:197)
Archibald, S. et al. (2013), Defining pyromes and global syndromes of fire regimes, in Randerson, J. T., PNAS, University of California, April 16, 2013, vol. 110, no. 16, 6442-6447, Irvine, CA.